for three brass mouthpieces

instrumentation: 3 brass mouthpieces (any choice)
duration: 3 minutes
première: January 10, 2015 Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trio Savasa


score preview


(full recording)

Trio SaVaSa (Ensemble Modern)
Recording published on CD – Calls, Studies & Games by Ensemble Modern Medien
Produced by Radio Slovenia

Additional performances

February 6, 2020, Reaktorhalle München, Germany
Ensemble Oktopus München
October 27, 2019, Berliner Philharmonie, Kammermusiksaal, Germany
Stefan Dohr and Karajan-Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker
February 2, 2019, Slovenian Philharmonic, Ljubljana
Members of Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
April 15, 2018, Royal Festival Hall, London, UK
Philharmonia Orchestra
May 2, 2017, ANAM, South Melbourne Town Hall, Australia
Stefan Dohr and ANAM Musicians
April 20, 2017, Klangbrücken 2017 Hannover, Germany
Ensemble Schwerpunkt
October 7, 2016, Musikprotokoll Graz, Helmut List Halle, Graz, Austria
Klangforum Wien
May 18, 2018, Schloss Leuk, Germany
Ensemble Modern – Trio Savasa
January 30, 2017, Künstlerhaus Salzburg, Germany
Ensemble Modern – Trio Savasa
June 1, 2015, Teater Republique, Festival Stage, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ensemble Modern – Trio Savasa


QUIET, PLEASE: Full recording
Ensemble Modern
QUIET, PLEASE: Full recording
Ensemble Modern
QUIET, PLEASE: Stefan Dohr and Vito Žuraj in rehearsal
@2019 by Karajan-Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker
QUIET, PLEASE: Stefan Dohr and Vito Žuraj in rehearsal
@2019 by Karajan-Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker


QUIET, PLEASE! Otherwise you might miss how the piece starts. Three musicians are twittering away on stage, ever louder and ever clearer. A brief portamento, then an arpeggio, followed by… QUIET, PLEASE!! It’s the solo of an aging subscriber, unwrapping a sweet with a portamento in the high frequency range. The piece is supposed to be a trio, for goodness’ sake, not a quartet – QUIET, PLEASE!!! A gradual crescendo comes to our attention, the rhythmic structure grows denser… QUIET, PLEASE!!!! Someone drops a bowl on the floor – a mellow resonance. How can one possibly concentrate on the music in the face of such a smorgasbord of noises?! All it needs now is for a baby to start crying… QUIET, PLEASE!!!!!

Vito Žuraj (trans. Alwyn Tomas Westbrooke)

Calls, Studies & Games (2017)

Published by Ensemble Modern Medien

Trio SaVaSa (Ensemble Modern)

recorded pieces: